Think you have been wrongly charged for energy - check it out

Think you have been wrongly charged for energy - check it out

Posted: Wed, 13 Sep 2023 13:01

Citizens Advice Charnwood says if you suspect that you have been wrongly charged for energy it is important to check it out. It is possible your supplier has made a mistake or your meter is faulty.

Contact your supplier and give them an up-to-date meter reading so they can check exactly how much energy you have used. Ask for a statement so you can see what you have been charged for and when. If suppliers don't get regular meter readings, they will estimate how much energy you have used and this could result in you being charged too much.

If the cost of your gas and electricity has risen your supplier should have given you fair warning. If you're on a fixed-rate tariff, they can't increase your prices for the time it is fixed.

You are still responsible for the gas and electricity you are using even if you haven't had a bill. If you haven't received a bill for some time contact your supplier.
However, if you haven't received an accurate gas or electricity bill for over a year, you might not have to pay for all the energy you've used. Under Ofgem's 'back billing' rules, your supplier cannot send you a bill for energy you used more than 12 months ago. our Local Enquiry line for more info or search for Energy on the Citizens Advice website –

Faulty meters are rare but if you are paying more than usual, or you get an unexpected bill, it might be a good idea to get the meter checked. Your supplier is responsible for making sure the meter works correctly. If you have a prepayment meter and it is showing an 'error' message then contact your supplier immediately.

Contacting your supplier can sometimes be a difficult and lengthy experience. Our Advisers can help you if you are having trouble getting through. If you are confident, webchat can be quicker than speaking over the phone.
When you do get through it is always a good idea to -
- write down the name of the person you speak to
- the date and time of the call
- what exactly the problem is you need help with.

Follow up if your problem is not solved by writing to your supplier by email or letter and including your account no. and name. Again, our Advisers can help with this if you don't feel confident to do it.

If you are moving from one address to another, make sure you get a meter reading on the day you leave. Write the details down and the date or take a picture on your phone. If you have a smart meter, make sure it is in smart mode and is sending readings directly to your supplier.
Inform your supplier 48 hours before you leave and give them a forwarding address. You will have 28 days to pay the final bill or you might be owed money. If you are owed money you should claim it back. You might be charged an 'exit fee'. Speak to your supplier as it may be possible to carry on using them as your supplier at the new address.
When you move in to the new address contact the current supplier for that property and take a meter reading. Let them have it and keep a note of it for yourself.

If the new address has a prepayment meter contact the current supplier straight away. There could be debts on the meter and any money you put in could go to pay them and not your energy needs.

If you have complained formally to your supplier and you are not happy with your supplier's response, or the problem is still not fixed within eight weeks, you can complain to the Energy Ombudsman. Again, if you do not feel confident to do this, our Advisers can help.

Detailed information can be found on the Citizens Advice website:- and help is available if you are on a low income or certain benefits and struggling to pay for your energy

Our Local Enquiry Line is 01509 649605 open Mondays, Tuesdays & Thursdays 9.30am-3.00pm. The National Advice Line is open Mondays-Fridays 9am-5pm on Freephone 0800 144 8848.
Our website is & online advice can be found on

Tags: Energy, costs, debt, energy bills, energy suppliers, moving house, prepayment meter